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Inaki Irazabalbeitia

Former MEP, Aralar

Let's put the end to the Troika

Mar 13, 2014

This Wednesday we discussed two reports on the job of the Troika. A long and interesting debate!


From the left we criticized strongly both the lack of transparency and accountability and the terrible social consequences. The right said that the Troika did a good job and that if it hadn’t done that the consequences could have been worse? I asked myself would could be worse to society than the currents social disaster witch brought thousands of people to poverty, misery and no hope?


Here bellow my speech in plenary:

"Thank you chair.

The policies imposed by the Troika caused a social disaster. The consequences have been catastrophic: unemployment, precarious employment and decrease in wages, cuts in social services, health system and public education: misery and poverty. No future for the young people.

Both reports make a good diagnosis, but they fail in some of the proposals. Some of them are positive. I´ll name two: the request of a new restructuring of the Greek debt or the call to carry out social impact assessment before imposing major reforms.

But there are black holes as well. A stronger emphasis on the need to ensure consistency with fundamental rights, like the access to essential health services, is not included. An immediate end of the austerity programs is not requested, limiting the request to a willing ‘as soon as possible'. The recommendation of including flexicurity in future labour reforms without evaluating the impact it can produce in the states with a high unemployment rate is, at least, dangerous.

Furthermore, the reports would’ve been more positive if some proposals demanding that public expenses should not be taken into account in calculating the deficit had been included.

Let’s put the end to the Troika!"