Edukira salto egin | Salto egin nabigazioara


Inaki Irazabalbeitia

Eurodiputatu-ohia, Aralar

Basque Frienshipek Guardia Zibilaren operazioa salatu du


Basque Friendship taldeak, euskal gatazkaren konponbidearen aldeko europarlamentarien taldeak, oharra kaleratu du Guardia Zibilak Herriraren aurka egin duen sarekada salatuz. Eskubide demokratikoen eta giza eskubideen bortxaketa dela uste dute europarlamentariek

Basque Friendship taldeak gaineratu du gaurko operazioak erakusten duela Espainiako gobernuak ez duela bake-prozesuak aurrera jarrai dezan inolako gogo politikorik. Aldi berean eskatzen dio Espainiako Gobernuari lotu dakizkiela bakeari, demokraziari eta giza eskubideen errespetuari eta defentsari.

Basque Friendship Group’s statement on the police intervention against “Herrira” and the arrest of 18 of its members.


The Basque Friendship Group considers this morning’s police intervention in the offices of “Herrira” and the arrest of 18 of its members to constitute an absolute violation of democratic freedoms and an infringement on human rights, such as freedom of assembly and of expression.

We, MEPs members of the Friendship Group, have on several occasions met representatives of “Herrira” and support their activity because we are convinced that, from the respect of human rights and rejection of all kinds of violence, they do an essential job by defending basque refugees’ and political prisoners’ human rights, which is a cornerstone element to reach a situation of political normalization and a lasting peace in the Basque Country.

On the other hand, today’s repressive action clearly shows the total lack of political will of the Spanish government regarding the peace process and we firmly denounce this unacceptable lack of responsibility from Madrid, and request the Spanish government to once and for all commit to peace, democracy and respect of human and political rights. 

We, the members of the Basque Friendship Group, are committed to help building a lasting peace in the Basque Country and therefore strongly condemn this mornings’ political and military attack against “Herrira”, and we demand the immediate release of all 18 detainees.